Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 67

I had a sleep in morning today, so it was pretty nice. School was the same as always and after I went to Frenchie's house and wound up spending the night after misunderstanding the time we were leaving tomorrow. They said half past six, but they didn't whether it was in the morning or night, but I assumed that since they offered for me to sleep over, it must have been in the morning because that would be easier if I could just leave with them. But alas, it was at night, so there was no point in staying over, but it didn't really matter anyway... They have a really nice house in Södra Gottsunda. (not to be confused with regular Gottsunda, which is supposed to be a scary place at night)
The reason for this confusion was because tomorrow is Ewa's (the w is pronounced like a v: Eva) 50th Birthday, and "0" birthdays are a big deal here. Ewa is Frenchie's host mom and is my future host mom when we swap families after Christmas.

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