Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 5

I was too tired last night to write this, so here it is; what I did yesterday.

Today had a very early start; I had to get up at about 6:45 for my first Rotary meeting here, for which I have been preparing for several days. I had to give about a 10 minute speech about myself in Swedish in from of 30 people I didn't know. Well I did have some (a lot) of help from my host father with the translation and I had a little Powerpoint too to show everyone some pictures of my house, neighborhood, family and cats. It turned out that there were only about 15 people there, so it wasn't so bad and they all really like my speech and couldn't believe I had only been there 5 days.

Later, I went into the city again to try to straighten out the problems we had when we tried to open a bank account last week. After presenting a letter from my Rotary Club saying "yes they weren't lying, he really is studying here for a year" they let us open an account. So soon I will have a local debit card to use. After getting that sorted out Per left Amanda and I to explore the city, so she showed me around some of the local areas and we went inside the Domkyrkan which is that giant church in the middle of the city. So after about another hour of walking around we took the bus back home.

About a half an hour later, Anna from Australia came over and we all watched 21 and SuperTroopers which were both really funny and ate popcorn. After we ate dinner Anna left and about a hour after that I went to sleep ^_^ So that was pretty much what happened today (well really yesterday because I'm writing this today, but whatever)
Until tomorrow (well actually later tonight...)

Hej då

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