Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 29

Today was not all that exciting; I just went to school and then came home. I had my first Swedish-for-non-Swedish-people lesson today and it was painfully boring, because it began at the "I have never heard a single word of Swedish" level and the teacher was extremely obnoxious. Tomorrow is when the fun starts kind of, so until then, the future shall be shrouded in mystery. Also it's worth noting that after tomorrow, I will not be contactable through Skype, AIM, or MSN so tomorrow would be the time to contact me; noon (eastern time) would be good for me, even a little after that. After that I will be unreachable for a week. Well, not totally unreachable, you can always call my mobile (aka cell phone) but for everyone in the US of A, that can become expensive after a while. Well actually, its not too expensive...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow lol well at least its another class u understand lol ;P have fun at language camp!!!!!

its mel mel btw lol