Here are the pictures from the weekend: HERE
Here are the pictures from Monday night: HERE
following the life of a Rotary exchange student to Sweden
What a crazy morning!
I abused the snooze on my phone (I use it as an alarm clock) and wound up getting up at 9:13, and my bus left at 9:23, so I somehow managed to get dressed and ready in about 8 minutes and run to the bus stop, without slipping, falling or dying in about a minute and a half. So I got there and waited for bus 20 to come. I waited. And waited. And waited.
It was after 9:38 and the bus still hadn't come.
Finally bus 18 came so I had to run across the street and down the road a little bit to get to the other side's bus stop (because it's not directly on the other side of the street). I also managaed to not slip and die. So I got on the bus, and managed to slip by without scanning my card to pay (because I left my school card at school and the other card has money on it, but I don't want to spend it for no reason) and then we were off. The bus skidded a lot and another bus (the really late bus 20 that we passed at 9:44) hit the back part of our bus (it was an articulated, aka "bendy-bus") with one of it's mirrors and it made a really loud sound at impact. The bus was skidding a lot and went slowly so I was really late. But luckily my friends Ida and Emelie who live in Södra Gottsunda (where Iliyas lives) where also on my bus, so we were all late together and they were able to explain why we were so late. The teacher wasn't mad though, Åslög is really nice, (that's her name) and they usually dont care anyway.
School was a normal day, I was happy in Chemistry because I got Anton to explain this new thing we were learning to me and I understood it which made me feel all good inside.
After school Anton and Iliyas came to my house so we could train our jumpstyle and get better. It's fun and great exercise; we want to perform in Stockholm next weekend for our next Rotary gathering there. (but you'll hear about that later)
So then they left and I ate dinner and had desert with the family, Anna (host sister, 26, lives/works in Stockholm) was over for dinner and is spending the night. And that's about it for today.
We got up really early to get to Rotary and met Iliyas on the bus and then finally made it into town where he had to walk through what felt like (to me) a blizzard, but it was still really cool because it was snow!!
The meeting was kinda boring, as expected, but you can't beat free food. We spent almost an hour in the hotel lobby after it was over, just sitting in front of the fire, because Gen didn't have any classes today and Iliyas' and my classes didn't start until 10:15. So we moved into this coffee shop and just sat there for a while until we had to go. I had Chemistry lab and then I headed back into town to Storken (a fika place) to meet Gen who had been waiting and Anton followed along. We chilled and talked for a really long time and then Iliyas came a little later and we hung out for a while before heading to my house. Anton left and we got to my house and then went again to play in the snow! We must have been out for about 4 hours on the hill at Sunnerstabacken just sledding and building a little hump to get some air time as we were jumping over, it hurt when we landed...
We then went back inside and dried off and warmed up. We hung out for a while and then they went home.
We woke up at like 12-ish again (Anton also stayed over) and had breakfast and blah blah blah. Iliyas came over and we hung out for a while and then I took Miranda to the train station while Iliyas stayed at my house working on the compilation video of us dancing. He went home a while later. It snowed all day and it just kept piling up!!
Gen sent me an sms asking if I wanted to play in the snow so I tole her to come to my house because there's this big hill close by. So she came and then we all went (with Amanda too) to Sunnerstaåsen/Sunnerstabacken which is this big slope where a lot of people were sledding. We spent a couple of hours sledding down and playing in the snow; we had such a great time. We then went home and ate and then Anton went home. Gen and I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and she slept over because she was going to Rotary in the morning (to my club, because she had been invited)
Miranda stayed at my house and we woke up at around 12-ish and then ate and stuff. I got a phone call from Katarina at 8:00 (while I was still sleeping and only semi-conscious) telling me to look outside the window. I reluctantly sat up and looked out to see... About a foot of SNOW!!! I was so excited and happy, but too physically and mentally tired to do anything so I wound up going back to sleep until around 12 and then proceeded to go out and play in it and stuff.
We decided that it would be nice to go into town so I could give her the tour of the main sights and it would be even better because everything was covered in snow. So we went into town and met my Swedish friend Anton and saw all the cool sights like Domkyrkan, Slottet and Botaniska. We played a lot in Botaniska while waiting for Iliyas to come and join us, then after a while when it got dark (at like 3:00!) we went back to my house. We cooked tacos ourselves (because nobody was home, they were in Göteborg looking at this special school) and then practiced more jumpstyle dancing. We then got a brilliant idea to go back into town and record ourselves doing the jumpstyle in all the lit places around Uppsala. So we went into town and recorded ourselves (Iliyas, Miranda and I; Anton filmed) jumpstyle-ing in Stora Torget, outside Carolina Rediviva, inside the "blue tunnel" thing, and on the sidewalk near Slottet (the castle). We got some stares and even a bunch of complements from onlookers. We went home, but had to take bus 7, because the wait for either 18 or 20 was too long, so we had to get off at Martallsvägen and walk to Iliyas' house. On the way we found this cool tunnel with graffiti in it so we recorded more jumpstyle in the tunnel, which turned out looking awesome. We then walked to Gottsundavägen to take the shortcut to Iliyas' house and then stayed for about 10 minutes before we headed for the Granelidsvägen bus stop to catch the last bus 18 home. We got to the stop at exactly the time that it was supposed to leave, and waited, but it didn't come so we thought we missed it. After about 10 minutes we realized that we would have to walk home, but it wouldn't be too bad because Iliyas had done it both nights before. (just for fun, because he wanted to and it was too snowy for the bike) So we started walking, which was pretty cool because it was in the snow, and just when we were about halfway between Granelidsvägen and Slånvägen and the bus comes rolling by, 15 minutes late. We tried running to the Slånvägen stop but it was no use and it kept going so we had to walk all the way home. It wasn't so bad, I was mostly talking the whole way there, mostly about the snow, although they were kinda quiet, I guess because she's from Canada and he's Swedish so snow is exciting but not nearly as big a deal to them as it is to me. So we finally got home and then went to sleep.
More days at school, nothing to be too excited about...
On Wednesday I went with my class on a studiebesök (study-visit) to kliniskmikrobiologilabbet (the clinical microbiology lab) for, you guessed it, Mikrobiologi (Microbiology). They grew tons of bacteria there and also performed lots of tests for different sicknesses. This would be "the lab" that the doctor sends those samples to. They showed us around the lab and then showed us a really boring powerpoint. After that we went back to school.
Friday was exciting. Math was cancelled (it's usually 2 hours on Friday) so I got out early (because I decided to skip PE) and had some free time so I went to a friend's house (a Swedish Friend haha) and hung out for a while. I then got a call from Iliyas asking if I wanted to go to the gym; this was an opportunity upon which I quickly jumped because he never wants to go to the gym. And that is some shit up with which I will not put! (stole that from Scary Movie 4...) So he got there way before I did because I was nowhere near buses 20 or 3, so I had to walk a great distance to get back into town. By the time I got to the gym, he decided that he was leaving in 10 minutes... Grrrrrr. So needless to say, I didn't get much of a workout. I went home and chilled for a little while and then got back on lovely bus 111 (that's the fastest, most direct one into town, but it doesn't stop in useful places in town, like if I'm trying to get to school) to the train station. I met my Canadian friend, Miranda, who lives in Eskilstuna and had come to visit me for the weekend. So we started off my walking around the town to see these lights that had been set up all around the town in various spots, it was really cool. After that we went back to my house and it was snowing, actually pretty hard. There was a thin (but still bigger than anything I have seen) covering of snow on the ground and I made my first Swedish snowball, whom I named Fred, and then threw it at Miranda and we had a snowball fight with the little snow that existed. Iliyas came to my house and the three of us hung out. We decided to learn this dance from Holland, known as jumpstyle, that looks really cool, so we practiced it like all night and stayed up until about 3:00... Nobody was home so we didn't have to worry about making too much noise but it is best to do it with shoes and since you NEVER wear shoes in the house here, we went outside in the snow to dance... It was really cool!